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May 02, 2008
Use it or lose it
The world also needs more lerts.
You can always get another job. Are you really such a wimp that you'll sell your birthright for the 21st century equivalent of the proverbial "mess of pottage": your meager pension, the insurance that probably won't cover you when you need it most?
I have a mortgage, too, and other debts. I was probably fired from my last job for blogging, and going on TV, questioning multi-culti orthodoxy. I doubt it helped that when company time and resources were devoted to a widely hyped, one-sided propaganda display about "global warming," I wondered aloud whether or not I could get Rogers' support for a slide show about Bigfoot.
I. Don't. Care.
I have a mortgage, too, and other debts. I was probably fired from my last job for blogging, and going on TV, questioning multi-culti orthodoxy. I doubt it helped that when company time and resources were devoted to a widely hyped, one-sided propaganda display about "global warming," I wondered aloud whether or not I could get Rogers' support for a slide show about Bigfoot.
I. Don't. Care.
Damn right.
Posted by Ghost of a flea at May 2, 2008 07:34 AM