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May 02, 2008
Let. Them. Rest. In. Peace.
Agent Bedhead on the continuing persecution of Theresa Duncan and Jeremy Blake.
Theresa, bless, was a bit loony; she was an artist, a Truther and lived in Venice Beach and Manhattan, Obama's base in other words. I do not know enough to have an informed opinion about her suspicions of the cult after the Beck album cover/acting imbroglio; let alone a Tom Cruise connection, if any, to events. But even a paranoid person has every reason to question the motives of Scientology. There is no reason - ever - to grant the cult any benefit of the doubt.
As for the rest, including and especially NBC, Gina Gionfriddo and Richard Sweren, the motive is obvious: Greed. At least some Scientologists honestly believe they are saving the world. I cannot say the same for Law and Order.
Posted by Ghost of a flea at May 2, 2008 06:31 AM