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October 28, 2005

The Gospel According to Lestat

With her latest novel, Anne Rice tries "to get inside the head of a 7-year-old kid who's intermittently aware that he's also God Almighty".

Rice knows "Out of Egypt" and its projected sequels—three, she thinks—could alienate her following; as she writes in the afterword, "I was ready to do violence to my career." But she sees a continuity with her old books, whose compulsive, conscience-stricken evildoers reflect her long spiritual unease. "I mean, I was in despair." In that afterword she calls Christ "the ultimate supernatural hero ... the ultimate immortal of them all."

Posted by Ghost of a flea at October 28, 2005 09:47 AM

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Here I thought she'd been doing violence to her career for the last 20 years. Interview & Cry to Heaven are her ONLY good books

Posted by: beautifulatrocities [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 28, 2005 11:34 AM