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October 19, 2005

Lost and found

The Flea's lost and found department is pleased to report the recovery of the anchor from the Mary Rose, a happy byproduct of preparation for the Royal Navy's next generation carriers expected in 2012. Exceptionally low tides on the coast of Suffolk revealed bits and pieces of sunken Dunwich. Shipping industries are suggested though the whole pervades with the sense of tentacles if you ask me. From underwater to underground, an aestal was recovered by a metal detecting enthusiast on an Aughton farm. Though I had no idea what an aestal was until I read the article I doubt I would have mistaken it for a milk bottle top. A most sensible device it turns out to be.

"I found out it was an aestel – it would have been used by people as a holder for a stick used to turn pages of religious books because they weren't allowed to touch them. ... I found other examples on the internet – two were priceless. One went for £102,000 and one for £42,000. I couldn't believe what I'd found."

Posted by Ghost of a flea at October 19, 2005 07:19 AM

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