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April 24, 2004


Being American in T.O. on the last full measure of devotion.

Love isn't about perfection. If it was, none of us could love; it's all about loving despite flaws and often even because of them.

What astounds me is not how much we love our country but the lack of bold admissions from others that they love their countries. I may be a simpleton because I love my country, but they are ungrateful, shallow bastards for not honouring the blood and dedication of those who came before them.

Love of country isn't pride, people, it's humility. It's being bowed by the burden of mighty examples and, even as we enjoy the freedoms bequeathed by those who came before us, we freely accept that our heritage includes the admonition that we highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain.

Posted by Ghost of a flea at April 24, 2004 10:44 AM

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? Heroes from Pinwheels and Orange Peels
Pat Tillman is on the front page of newspapers around the country. He is a man who gave up unbelievable wealth and prestige to fight for his country on the front lines. He made the ultimate sacrifice so we might [Read More]

Tracked on April 25, 2004 02:02 AM


A buddy of mine has been walking around the last ten years on artificial legs: he lost both at the knee in a mine accident. Sometimes he is mentionned in the news, but usually when someone is bashing DND.
You might have heard of him, Maj Bruce Henwood.


Posted by: J.M. Heinrichs at April 24, 2004 06:46 PM

Thanks for the link, Nick. When I came home from work Friday and saw the reporting on CNN, I thought "another shiver moment?"

Then I got your email.

Capt. Heinrichs has a valid point: it seems that the Canadian Forces only get noticed when people die or are badly wounded, yet such events are supposed to teach us to celebrate their lives and achievements while they are still with us.

Posted by: Debbye at April 25, 2004 10:23 AM