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April 24, 2004

Van Helsing


This one says "Flea." Kate Beckinsale discusses her latest goth vixen role.

Q: Is playing against with a werewolf on a stick like any other type of acting?

BECKINSALE: I do think it's a bit daunting, because the opportunity to feel an idiot is quite high. If you do your homework as an actor and get yourself where you're supposed to be… Obviously, it's preferable to have another very good actor to work off because it raises your game, but if you've got a little cross of tape and a fairly fevered imagination you can get reasonably far.

I find myself thinking much the same thing. Preview pics can be found here.

Posted by Ghost of a flea at April 24, 2004 11:14 AM

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Tracked on April 24, 2004 12:30 PM


Think I will give this movie a miss. I would cheer for the werewolves. Thought they were supposed to be after vampires anyway?

Posted by: Andrew Ian Dodge at April 24, 2004 08:00 PM

I like the vampire hunting hat. My suspicion is the werewolf is a sample critter from early in the film. Of course, I have no actual idea about anything except the gypsy outfit.

Posted by: Flea at April 24, 2004 08:08 PM