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April 20, 2004

Your Disco Needs You!


The Blog-Bash to raise money for Spirit of America kicks off at noon (EST). Please come back to the Flea later today for a link to the donation site.

The latest broadside for the Fighting Fusileers is available at the Castle (along with some remarks about the arsenal of blogocracy: "Shoot girl, I'm bettin' I've got more machineguns than you have guns.")

And then... Actually, it is the donation buttons that are to arrive noonish. Donations are to be accepted starting just after midnight tonight. I will let you know in which time zone as soon as the information arrives. The Canadian Pesh Murga stand ready!

Posted by Ghost of a flea at April 20, 2004 08:02 AM

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? Other fights among friends. from Welcome to Castle Argghhh! The Home Of One Of Jonah's Military Guys.
The Flea has two links of note today, well, three, actually. No, make that four. 1. Fighting among Friends. 2. Spirit of America! (How many other alliances have Allies?) 3. Happy Birthday, Rome! 4. Asshats.... [Read More]

Tracked on April 20, 2004 08:17 AM

? Spirit of America! from Welcome to Castle Argghhh! The Home Of One Of Jonah's Military Guys.
GUIDONS-GUIDONS-GUIDONS! THIS IS FUSILEER 6. EXECUTE! For God, Country, and the Spirit of America! The campaign lasts through the 29th of April - please give generously! Just click on the Donate Button above and help the Castle Argghhh! Fighting... [Read More]

Tracked on April 21, 2004 06:52 AM