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April 28, 2004

Tiffany Case


Ok, so Solitaire is the ideal Bond girl. Tiffany Case is my favourite. When did TBS start using the expression "Bond Women"? Much less chic.

I dare anyone to watch Diamonds Are Forever and tell me Ewan McGregor should not be the next Bond!

And now I have everyone's attention... Heroes of the Blogosphere has more than a day to go! Watch this space for updates as I move to a real computer! The best place to start is at Da Goddess who offers thoughts from bloggers who explain why they are taking time to support Spirit of America. Then report for duty at Castle Argghhh!!! where Fusileer 6 offers the latest SITREP.

Posted by Ghost of a flea at April 28, 2004 07:59 AM

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Bond Women came into vogue with the moronic PC police.

They are and should ALWAYS be Bond GIRLS.

And, thanks for being the first to respond and thanks, too, for the nod.

Posted by: Da Goddess at April 28, 2004 08:23 AM

I read somewhere that Colin Firth is also being considered for the next Bond. Not sure I see that one either.

Posted by: Lawren at April 28, 2004 10:46 PM