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April 02, 2004



As much as it pains me to reprint this Herald Sun photo, it pains me more to say news reports of Kylie's betrothal have been greatly exaggerated. Crown Prince Frederick loses out too.

We were quite bemused to see an article in the Daily Star on Saturday, March 27th which managed to get every single aspect of their report on Kylie completely wrong!

Let us assure you that Kylie is NOT quitting her music career - far from it! Dannii did not confirm that Kylie is getting married (she is not); and Kylie is not and never was performing at the wedding of Danish Crown Prince Frederick!

Posted by Ghost of a flea at April 2, 2004 08:45 AM


WHOOPEE!!! Now I have a shot! Oh wait. Damn.

Posted by: Chaos Overlord at April 2, 2004 12:47 PM