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April 02, 2004
The Shotgun
Canada's new media voice features a group-blog: "The Shotgun has fired!" This northern answer to The Corner features the cast of the Western Standard and blogosphere supporting cast Colby Cosh, Damian Penny and Your Friendly Neighbourhood Flea.
I want to thank Western Standard publisher Ezra Levant for making the conversation possible. This country is in desperate need of an alternative to our state-sponsored Ministry of Truth. The Shotgun should help provide it.
They will have to pry this blog from my cold, dead hands!
Posted by Ghost of a flea at April 2, 2004 08:27 AM
Cool! Look forward to reading it!
Posted by: jkrank at April 2, 2004 09:19 AM
Ah, Bravo! Picture of Kylie and the Flea goes big time all on the same day!
Life is good.
Posted by: John of Argghhh! at April 2, 2004 06:14 PM