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July 08, 2003

Eye on Iraq

On May 25, while scanning the Air Force Defense Meteorological Satellite Program images pipelined into his desktop from 450 miles in orbit, Hank Brandli skidded at a nighttime photo of Iraq. It looked familiar. But not exactly.

Vietnam veteran, meteorologist and internet enthusiast with too much time on his hands, Hank Brandli may have noticed something interesting: a new corridor of light heads north from Kuwait to the tasty oilfields of southern Iraq.

"It's going right up to Iraq's oil fields," says the retired Air Force colonel from his home in Palm Bay. "Maybe I'm full of s---. Maybe all they're doing is building a highway to put in McDonald's and sell hamburgers. But why go that way? I think we're in bed with Kuwait. I think we're pumping oil out of Iraq to pay for this war."

This Florida Today article spends a great deal of time assuring us Brandli is not (only) a crank. I can imagine the IndyNazis pointing to this as proof of something or other but if Brandli's supposition is correct it would appear an arrangement has been reached to offset the cost of liberating Iraq by using oil which would have otherwise been used by the former regime to rape, torture and kill. If it were not for the deranged political correctness, sensitivity to others and high emotion quotient of the current American administration such an obvious, sensible measure would be carried out more publicly.

Flea-readers who know how to access recent satellite imagery of the area in question are encouraged to do. My Googling only produced grainy weather images and "recent" images which were months out of date.

Posted by Ghost of a flea at July 8, 2003 10:04 AM


Florida Today is my local paper. They are a liberal rag. to get any meaningful news out of them one must read it and do the exact opposite of what they like.

Posted by: Dennis P. at July 11, 2003 04:01 PM