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October 13, 2010


Mario Vargas Llosa has won the Nobel Prize in literature for 2010, attracting the ire of Sweden's cultural elite.

Not to worry, they haven't become "racists".

‘I am a bit angry’, said the Swedish literary critic Ulrika Milles during Swedish television’s broadcast of the announcement of the Nobel Prize in literature for 2010. It took the country’s cultural elite just seconds to realise that a mistake had been made in the Swedish Academy’s voting process: you see, Mario Vargas Llosa, the winner, is no longer a socialist. ‘I lost him when he became a neo-liberal’, complained Milles. Many others echoed her.

A selection of non-controversial progressive winners follows (via Arts & Letters Daily).

Posted by Ghost of a flea at October 13, 2010 07:57 AM


if we judged writers by their political affectations, garcia marquez would be the first one in the dustbin. for years he's been flown into havana on the patriarch's pvt jet, where he's addressed rent-a-crowds on the glory of socialism. every time he does that, he's spitting on the bones of all those cubans at the bottom of the florida straits.

but he's still a great writer

Posted by: jdpercifield [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 13, 2010 08:14 PM