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July 17, 2010

To be in England in the summertime

Reports of developing horror as police and Muslims coordinate an attack on English demonstrators in Dudley, English soil once upon a time.

A large demonstration in Dudley by the English Defence League was scheduled for today, but so far events have not proceeded as planned. The EDL was warned in advance that the police would interfere with them, and that appears to be what’s happening.

All reasonable caveats due to the fog of war. But no benefit of the doubt for the police.

Blazing Cat Fur is doing God's work as usual, in this case by keeping an eye on updates at Gates of Vienna, Musings of Durotrigan (video at the link) and elsewhere.

The most recent reports hint that the violence is even worse than initially anticipated. EDL media report:

We have eye witness accounts coming in of Muslims using cars to drive down English protesters in Dudley. One report of incident where 4 people that were driven into left them seriously injured and one woman dead. We are waiting for confirmation of this incident and an air ambulance has landed to assist the injured.

Let us pray these reports are false, even malicious. Because if they are true I have nothing to say here.

Update: SkyNews presents police fiction. So far as they are concerned the only violence comes from EDL hooligans directed at the police. No account of police assault. No account of the anti-fascist Left also scheduled to make an appearance. No account of Muslim violence.

Just one piece of the puzzle they see no need to account for.

Police are also investigating possible damage to a Hindu temple in Dudley.

Just another "man caused disaster", I reckon.

Meanwhile, the local council shows where its loyalties lie.

"Dudley Council does not have the powers to ban this protest but we have made it clear from the outset that we are opposed to the EDL and have worked closely with the police to do all we could to protect, reassure and support local people."

Update: Somewhat more measured reporting suggests no life threatening injuries amongst the six people knocked over in a "road traffic collision".

Please note: If you rely on the BBC, Guardian, Telegraph or any major news organization (with the evil exception of Sky, cited above) this event has not happened.

Update 16:48: ITN weighs in with its version of the news, viz publishing a demand by United Against Fascism for an inquiry. Why have the English been allowed to demonstrate in England?

Rose Cragg from the West Midlands branch of Unite Against Fascism, said there should be an inquiry in to why the EDL were allowed to hold a second demonstration in Dudley.

She said: "The people of Dudley have said again and again that they do not want the racist thugs of the EDL here."

Those pro-Hindu, pro-Sikh, pro-Israeli racist thugs. The Left has nothing else to say and people keep falling for it.

Posted by Ghost of a flea at July 17, 2010 04:24 PM


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