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May 28, 2008
I would have done better on this Civics Quiz if I had not misread a President's name (via AoSHQ).
My results:
Average score for this quiz during May: 73.4%
Average score since September 18, 2007: 73.4%
One President's name aside, I am embarrassed at my Jamestown error; no excuse for not having got that one right. Still, given 69.56% was the Harvard average, I am pleased. Then there is the small fact of my not being American. I would be interested to see how Harvard students would fair on a quiz in Canadian civics. Ten out of ten on this Canadian History Quiz should not be too much to ask of Canadian Flea-readers.
Update: The Drink Soaked Trots are taking the test, notwithstanding its slant toward free markets.
Posted by Ghost of a flea at May 28, 2008 07:27 AM
I only scored a 73 on the American quiz. It's amazing how many things I know of but not about. I'm pleased to report a perfect 10 on the Canadian one. Phew.
Posted by: cm at May 28, 2008 12:58 PM
A comment at Ace suggested it is more of an economics and political history quiz than a civics quiz; probably correct.
I too was relieved by my Canadian history quiz result. Especially given the helpful pictures.
Posted by: Ghost of a flea at May 28, 2008 01:06 PM
78 American
100 Canadian
Is there some message to be derived from the relative difficulty of the two quizzes?
Canada - aiming for the lowest common denominator since 1968?
Posted by: Occam's Carbuncle at May 28, 2008 02:24 PM
58 out of 60 on the ISI test, which explains why I refused to go to Harvard no matter how much they begged me. And I'm pleased to say I also got 10 out of 10 on the Canadian test. Eventually.
Posted by: Mr. Atoz at May 28, 2008 02:30 PM
81% on the American quiz and 100% on the Canadian quiz. You're right, the Cdn one was full of big fat meatballs right in the centre of the strike zone.
Posted by: Chris Taylor at May 28, 2008 03:49 PM
Gave up on the Canadian one. Got 82% on the US Civics on the first go, so not bad.
Posted by: urthshu at May 28, 2008 06:31 PM
"You answered 60 out of 60 correctly — 100.00 %
Average score for this quiz during May: 73.6%
Average score since September 18, 2007: 73.6%"
Whew. I am upholding the honor of 'Murica, after all.
I got 10 for 10 in the Canadian quiz... the second time through. I admit I'm not that up on the Yukon. Completely different set of questions second time 'round, though. Lots of history - Montcalm, Riel, Dieppe, Remembrance Day, the Fenians, and some silly thing about how many times we Southrons have tried to peacefully establish a military presence up north and you rudely resisted.
Heh. Only time we were ever successful was against the French. And that under British command.
Posted by: John of Argghhh! at May 29, 2008 05:55 PM
heheheh... the rudest things we British North Americans ever did until Trudeau pissed on Lyndon's carpet. I scored 53/60 - would've done one better but I chose a different answer for the establishment clause question out of principle. The establishment clause explicitly prohibits laws respecting an establishment of religion which means that it only implicitly prohibits making a law which would establish a particular national religion.
The question is wrong! Of course that's all moot now that it means whatever the ACLU wants it to.