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May 24, 2008

The fire in which we burn

Chris Taylor cites Dr. Tolian Soran, easily my favourite Star Trek film villain* and something of an inspiration. The subject is home improvement and, by extension**, time.

"They say time is the fire in which we burn. Right now, Captain, my time is running out. We leave so many things unfinished in our lives. I know you understand."

Picard's rejoinder to Soran's time-as-predator philosophy - cited in full at Taylor & Co. - is to the effect time is a companion who travels with us, reminding us of the value of each moment.

Mr. Taylor explains.

Don't listen to him though, he's full of shit. Time is a predator, and every second you spend flying that desk is time you're not spending with friends, family, or the baseball channels. How you've lived is important, yes, but time is not your pal. Time is the frickin' enemy, to be smashed with a mallet whenever and wherever possible. If you are a Christian, you will know that every human soul is eternal—but your ability to go canoeing, watch Bollywood movies, and ski down majestic mountain slopes is not. That time is strictly limited.

Amen to that, my brother.

* Yes, including... Khan!!!
** A little Spinoza humour there.

Posted by Ghost of a flea at May 24, 2008 12:58 PM