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May 18, 2008
An Hour with Jon Pertwee
Still my favourite Dr. Who, BBC 7 hosts An Hour with Jon Pertwee. That link should be good for a few days but this is just the thing for a Sunday afternoon. Flea-readers are particularly urged to give it a listen for Pertwee's stories from aboard HMS Hood. Noel Coward and Winston Churchill also feature.
Posted by Ghost of a flea at May 18, 2008 11:07 AM
I must say, as past president of the BCIVS-DWFC (no, not the football club) I am a huge Pertwee fan. I started watching DW when JP was the Doctor and as much as I liked TB and PD, JP was tops.
I will dload this for running listening.
My great uncle was a radar tech trained in England, heading back to Canada to eventually head to the US to train NA folk on a ship protected by the Hood. I am sure this will be most interesting.