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May 16, 2008


Remember England? A service and fly-past has been held to mark the 65th anniversary of the World War II Dambusters mission.

A Lancaster bomber flew three times over Derwent Reservoir in Derbyshire, which was used by the original pilots to train ahead of their famous raid. In 1943, the RAF's 617 Squadron set out to destroy three dams in Germany's Ruhr valley. They managed to breach two, giving a boost to Britain's war effort. The service remembered the eight aircraft and 53 crew who were lost.

A Spitfire, a Hurricane, two Tornadoes and a Dakota transport plane joined the fly-past.

Hat tip to the Armored Facilities Manager who suggests we turn up the volume (and my bass boost!).

Posted by Ghost of a flea at May 16, 2008 06:19 PM