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May 10, 2008

Prequel anxiety

In case there are Flea-readers in need of a massive geek injection, it is difficult to imagine anything more rewarding than Will Wheaton commenting on the Star Trek reboot. The man talks sense. But he remains Wesley Crusher.

I'm going to commit heresy right now and say what few people are willing to say out loud: most of the Star Trek movies are absolute garbage. There have been ten Trek movies, and I'd say that two of them are accessible to mainstream audiences, another two are great, and the remaining six are nearly unwatchable. If JJ Abrams wants to make his new Trek movie unlike the 80% of Trek movies that aren't that good, that's just fine with me. Not that my opinion means anything, you understand, but rambling on and on about things like this is the price of being a geek, and I regret nothing. NOTHING!

Related: Is Guillermo del Toro the Right Man for The Hobbit? Umm... yes. We will have to wait for At the Mountains of Madness but the wait comes with a serious upside. Plus I want to see what del Toro will do with Mirkwood.

If The Hobbit and Hobbit 2: The Quickening make money hand over fist -- which they almost certainly shall -- O'Hehir will get his Spanish fantasy and his Lovecraft film, each with more money and far better marketing than they would get without del Toro's Middle Earth adventure. Don't think del Toro's not well aware of this himself.

Posted by Ghost of a flea at May 10, 2008 12:03 AM