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May 07, 2008



Westminster Abbey's 13th century gemstone Cosmati pavement is undergoing restoration. It must be profoundly satisfying work, one of the few occupations I can think of where I could be quite convinced I was not wasting the time granted to me.

Few modern visitors have ever seen it, although since 1268 kings and princes, queens and cardinals have walked across a symbol laden mosaic as intricate as a piece of jewellery. It is made up of rare marbles and gemstones, including some recycled from monuments 1,000 years older, and pieces of coloured glass, set in complex allegorical patterns into a framework of Purbeck marble cut as intricately as a jigsaw puzzle.

Another unseen history: Scapa Flow in three dimensions (via the Armored Facilities Manager).
Also shiny: A Steampunk All-in-One PC (via the Raging Kraut).

Posted by Ghost of a flea at May 7, 2008 06:57 AM


Getting it ready for the new owners, I see. How nice.

Posted by: Lickmuffin [TypeKey Profile Page] at May 7, 2008 03:19 PM

Nahh, no point getting it ready for the new owners. Devotional depictions are haram in orthodox Islam.

When Sheikh Charles ascends the throne and turns Westminster Abbey over to the Imam of London, they will simply chip out the tiles and paint over any frescoes, and burn the tapestries and hangings.

Think Bamiyan Buddha, 2001 or Hagia Sophia 1453.

Posted by: dpatten [TypeKey Profile Page] at May 7, 2008 04:17 PM

I'm not Eastern Orthodox, but that Fall of Constantinople and Hagia Sophia thing makes me a little cranky.

At least there is still St. Anne's, its local (Anglican) replica.

Posted by: Chris Taylor [TypeKey Profile Page] at May 7, 2008 05:43 PM