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May 08, 2008


Sir Ian McKellen confirms Gandalf's return in 'The Hobbit'.

"Yes, it's true," he said. "I spoke to Guillermo in the very room that Peter Jackson offered me the part and he confirmed that I would be reprising the role. Obviously, it's not a part that you turn down, I loved playing Gandalf."

Posted by Ghost of a flea at May 8, 2008 07:33 AM


That is good news!

Regrettably I made the mistake of reading Odd Todd's "interview with Sauron", and now when I hear the name Gandalf, I think of this:

[complaining about film audiences]...all the little chitchat chatter. Crinkle crinkles. I wanted dead silence. I heard every little thing. I wanted to stand up like Gandalf with my staff, face the theater, and hold the staff high and yell, 'YOU.. SHALL NOT... TALK!' and then jam the thing into the floor. But fortunately the place settled down nicely and I was mercifully spared of talkers.

Posted by: Chris Taylor [TypeKey Profile Page] at May 8, 2008 11:54 AM

That dead silence was my privilege to hear in the movie theater at the end of The Two Towers, when Gollum is doing his monologue (actually, his dialog with Sméagol), and the evil personality is clearly taking over... It was a three-quarters-full theater (the film had been out for a while; I avoid opening week whenever possible) and for the first time in my life I found myself among a completely rapt audience.

Posted by: Andrea Harris [TypeKey Profile Page] at May 8, 2008 10:52 PM