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May 07, 2008

How to get goth hair

Raven Tombstone and Speedball Sophie - the latter possessing a striking resemblance to an ex of the Flea - explain how to achieve this look (nsfw language, humour in poor taste). Watch this for timely and accurate pointers on accruing Ankh Points.

Related: How to lose Youtube subscribers. Warning: cloves. So, is everyone agreed a woman with a mighty burp is good to be/find?

Posted by Ghost of a flea at May 7, 2008 06:53 AM


LOL, a mighty burp.

I always subscribed to the old university-student lore that if you dutch-oven a girl she is automatically your girlfriend, with no other formalities. Also it is a good idea to maintain your claim by repeating this every so often.

Posted by: Chris Taylor [TypeKey Profile Page] at May 7, 2008 10:30 AM