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May 20, 2008


About this time and place on our last orbit around the Sun, I posted on the subject of a Dune film adaptation that might have been. I still think an Alejandro Jodorowsky Dune is worth a little trans-dimensional jaunt but given this script summary - reportedly translated from the summary of the script that appeared with the press kit - I have moved a number of other unhappenings further up the list. Time to visit my virtuous self in Imperial Canada and see what life is like without a goatee.

One discovers on a Planet lost
with the borders of the Galaxy,
a kind of Mushroom,
who prolongs the Life during several centuries
and allows to see
the Future.

Immediately this Planet becomes the
center attention of the Galactic Empire
and, in the same way that exists today
the Petrol-dollars
over there creates
the Spice.

So that is clear then.

There is no such thing as a petro dollar, btw. Just a multi-billion, multi-generational giveaway of wealth we discovered for machines we developed using capital, industry and expertise we innovated and maintain. Just as soon as our inventiveness renders this inexplicable danegeld cum welfare program obsolete in the West, I expect the PRC will be far less interested in propping up enemy economies than we have been in deference to our delicate feelings. The Chinese, still proud of their long history and tradition, lack our philosophical inclination toward cultural suicide.

Posted by Ghost of a flea at May 20, 2008 07:23 AM