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October 25, 2005
Ian Fleming at Camp-X
Some confusion as to the location of an hotel room, and the hotel room turning out to be a mock-up, do not take away the thrill of learning Ian Fleming trained at Camp-X during the War.
Author Ian Fleming’s failure in a wartime espionage test, described in a recently published biography as at variance with the deeds of his fictional character, James Bond, didn’t happen exactly as described in the biography, a former security chief says.
The Life of Ian Fleming, the biography by British author John Pearson, says Fleming was unable to carry out an order to kill a man, described as a dangerous enemy agent, in a Toronto hotel room during the Second World War when Fleming was taking intelligence training near Oshawa, Ontario.
The Life of Ian Fleming, the biography by British author John Pearson, says Fleming was unable to carry out an order to kill a man, described as a dangerous enemy agent, in a Toronto hotel room during the Second World War when Fleming was taking intelligence training near Oshawa, Ontario.
Posted by Ghost of a flea at October 25, 2005 08:57 AM
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