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October 25, 2005
Dabbawallas, The
Two church fair visits this last weekend have left me with an intense craving for food prepared with grandmotherly care. Especially, say, a south asian grannie. Paul Goodman's documentary about dabbawallas shows how people of limited means can manage the complex logistical problem of making certain no home cooked meal fails to find its proper object of affection. Or rather, how networks are capable of so doing. Dabbawallas are "box people" so named for the containers (called "dabbas" or "tiffins") holding the home cooking of the grandmothers of nothern Mumbai, formerly known as Bombey. The dabbawallas are a legion of delivery men who make certain each box makes its way by train to the specific city centre offices of each family member waiting for lunch.
Posted by Ghost of a flea at October 25, 2005 08:43 AM
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