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October 08, 2005

The silence of the lame

The continuing adventures of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes have an edutational aspect vis a vis Dianetics and Scientology. Now Holmes is reported to be pregnant we learn of L. Ron Hubbard's injunctions regarding childbirth and neonatal care.

Tom and Katie are likely to follow the church's "silent birth" guidelines during delivery, which means no music and no talking during the birth, which also means no screaming during the pains of labor for the mom-to-be.

The doctrine also states that newborns cannot be poked or prodded for medical tests or even spoken to for the first seven days of their lives, believing that babies go through so much pain during the birth, they shouldn't have to experience any further discomfort or sensory experience that could return later in life to haunt them.

Posted by Ghost of a flea at October 8, 2005 08:47 AM

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Well, that sounds completely sensible.

Too bad Nicole signed that confidentiality clause, or she might enlighten us on how this immaculate conception came about. Probably the freeze-dried semen of L Ron Hubbard

Posted by: beautifulatrocities [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 8, 2005 01:23 PM

So if it is a boy... no circumcision?

That's quite something.

Posted by: Temujin [TypeKey Profile Page] at October 8, 2005 07:55 PM