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October 04, 2005


Joss Whedon has addressed the possibility of a Spike feature film.

The good news is that the creative side is moving forward: all of the "art guys" are being pulled together and are actively discussing ideas for the film. The bad news, though, is that nothing on the business side has been addressed - no contact with the WB, nothing more than casual conversations with Amy Acker, James Marsters, and Alyson Hannigan. Basically, it's just an idea that's percolating, like about a billion others in the movie world. As Whedon himself put it, "At this point it's still me and my buddies going, 'Wouldn't it be cool?'" So, yeah. Right now, it's a pipe dream for all of us.

Update: Oops. That would be a made-for-tv movie and not a feature. And that would make more sense. Good to see Amy Acker would sign on despite her Alias schedule.

Posted by Ghost of a flea at October 4, 2005 10:14 AM

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