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July 07, 2005
London attacked
My first thoughts are with friends and family followed by the rest of the city I love best. My first effort to call my cousin has not worked though I expect I have got the dialing code wrong. No email from anyone though I expect that is a lack of technological know-how on the part of various friends and relatives. I am going to run updates here as I learn more.
Update: 7:23 EST A call to Gloucester got through where an email had been sent. My most immediate relatives are well. That email explained phones are down in London (but the internet is working). There is no public transit.
I will start keeping updates on news items in the extended entry of a post to follow this one. Personal thoughts will follow in this post.
Posted by Ghost of a flea at July 7, 2005 07:05 AM
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Flea, I won't pretend to imagine how horrible this is for you - NYC and DC were places I visited, not homes much less places I had been so recently as you - but I am relieved that at least you have been able to contact some of the people you love.
I can't offer any coherent words, but posting that picture of the current Queen and Churchill says many more than a thousand.