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June 22, 2005
Captain Jack
Captain Jack Harkness represents a new twist for Doctor Who, the first (openly*) bisexual Who companion. Captain Jack is also one of the few companions who is a time-traveller in his own right.
While this new season has not quite ended most of the innuendo has been from the Doctor, demonstrating a sarcasm missing in the character since the days of John Pertwee. Most welcome. It seems John Barrowman is making an even bigger step than I had thought as AfterElton points out how few bi guys have been represented on television in any role whatsoever.
I suppose despite the lack of mind-controlled kissing thus far that there are some who will see Captain Jack as an Uhura/Kirk style intrusion of social comment into an sf story. It should be pointed out that Russell T Davies never hesitated to make Who references in Queer as Folk, at least as intrusive to a hip urban gay story given the contaminating aesthetics of nerd culture. Besides, Doctor Who has always been as camp as a row of tents.
*We can only speculate about Leela. And the Flea still pines for Romana II wandering in Exo-Space.
Posted by Ghost of a flea at June 22, 2005 08:57 AM
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