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April 28, 2004

Remember 11

This is difficult to read (via Chaos Central).

The exterior of the towers was made of 12-inch steel columns spaced four feet apart. As they fell these shafts speared everything in sight. A dozen of them protruded from the West Side Highway, sticking up like some mad confection. Four of them shot Zeus-style into the side of the American Express building 30 floors up, knocking off a corner. The debris washed across the highway smashing into the World Financial Center, blasting all of the glass from its walls.

Looking downward through the wracks of steel beams you realize they are sitting upon a sea of emergency vehicles.

Posted by Ghost of a flea at April 28, 2004 07:35 AM

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And one of them went through I don't know how much ground, steel, concrete, etc. to penetrate the 1 & 9 Line just shortly after the subway I was riding to get the hell out of Dodge pulled out of the WTC station that day. We could hear the building coming down above us, although we did not realize it at the time, thinking it was another plane or some other sort of explosion occuring above us.

Posted by: Fred Kiesche at April 28, 2004 03:51 PM

"Looking downward through the wracks of steel beams you realize they are sitting upon a sea of emergency vehicles."

One scene from that day is with me, though I only saw it once. Taken after the collapse of the first tower but before the second, it showed - in seemingly black-and-white because everything was covered in dust and ash - a row of ambulances, equipment and people gone into the first tower. Ghost carriages waiting for their ghostly occupants to return with the ghosts of those they hoped to help...

Posted by: John Anderson at April 29, 2004 01:15 AM