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April 17, 2004

Kensington Runestone

The "smoking gun" proving the Kensington Runestone to be a hoax may lie in the particular runes in which it is written. It seems Olof Ohman's find uses a rune system rather more recent than the supposed Norse expedition of the year 1362.

The latest in the century-old controversy centered in Minnesota came in documents written in 1885 by an 18-year-old Swedish tailor named Edward Larsson. He sometimes wrote in runes -- an ancient Scandinavian language that differs from the English alphabet. But Larsson's runes were not the usual runes used over the centuries.

The scholars contend that parts of his documents seem to be written in a secret runic alphabet used by tradesmen in Sweden in the late 1800s, rather like codes that tramps have used over time to leave secret messages for one another.

Posted by Ghost of a flea at April 17, 2004 08:34 AM

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