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April 15, 2004
War movies
James Lileks asks why there have been no war movies about the current war (via InstaPundit, but I like the following quote better than the one he chose).
It’s like it's 1943, and Hollywood turns down a Pearl Harbor movie in favor of the gripping account of a Washington bureaucrat who warned FDR that the oil embargo would needlessly anger Japan. The attack on Hawaii would take up five minutes – and even then it would be a shot of the hero listening to the radio with an expression of stoic anguish. If only they'd listened.
Posted by Ghost of a flea at April 15, 2004 08:13 AM
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War movies? Their idea of a war movie about Iraq is the upcoming film celebrating the "heroism" of Richard Clarke!
Posted by: Eric Scheie at April 16, 2004 09:17 AM