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April 03, 2004
Say Mail
Read my lips... no more boring emails.
Sympatico brings you the latest in enhanced e-mail! You can make your favorite photo speak your message, or choose from the assortment of characters in our picture gallery
Posted by Ghost of a flea at April 3, 2004 08:33 AM
I cannot choose a picture or download my own. It does nothing when I click on them. I would like to use the program. I am using windows xp.
Posted by: Linda Pardy at April 30, 2004 08:16 AM
Umm... Linda, you know none of us actually has anything to do with Sympatico Saymail right? It is remotely possible Bell Canada has email help on their site somewhere. Meantime, if someone reading this can help her out, please do!
Posted by: Nicholas Packwood at April 30, 2004 11:53 AM