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August 19, 2003
Missing spoon found at long last:
A 2,000-year-old spoon, used for scooping out shellfish, has been discovered at the site of a Celtic village. The tiny, copper alloy metal Romano British spoon, the handle of which is missing, was found by workmen at the Chysauster site, which is just three miles from Mounts Bay, near Penzance, Cornwall.
I could not find an image of the spoon but Chysauster looks like a nice place for an afternoon walk. I shall add it to my list of places to visit in Cornwall (along with Tintagel).
The site was occupied over a 400 year period between around 100BC and 300AD This is a well restored and maintained Iron Age village with a group of stone huts complete with hearth stones and various household items The remains are well preserved and it is a pleasant site to wander around with only rabbits for company.
Posted by Ghost of a flea at August 19, 2003 09:54 AM
Posted by: Chaos Overlord at August 19, 2003 01:50 PM