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July 22, 2005

An appeal for new information


The Metropolitan Police has issued an appeal for information regarding ongoing investigations into yesterday's attack on London. The four men pictured above are urgently wanted to assist the police in their enquiries. I wonder if wearing a top that says "New York" under these circumstances qualifies as "sassy".

Given the pixel resolution on simple digital cameras I am surprised at the poor quality of these images. Time to install some new technology for London Transport. I have done some minor Photoshopping to see whether contrast and lighting filters might make them easier to make out (not much). Please feel free to copy and distribute the image if you think it is useful (but no hotlinking, thanks!). The originals may be found at the Met web site.

Do you recognise any of these men?
Did you see them at the three underground stations or on the bus?
Did you see them at a different location?
Did you see these men together before or after the incidents?
Did you see them with anyone else?

Update: Channel4 details the location of each image.

Top left: Westbourne Park Underground (exited at Shepard's Bush).
Top right: The Oval Underground ("New York").
Bottom left: Warren Street Underground.
Bottom right: Number 26 Bus (grey t-shirt with a palm tree).

Posted by Ghost of a flea at July 22, 2005 03:24 PM

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Interesting transparent recepticle wastebasket-thing upper left - half the purpose of a treash-bin is to hide the unsightliness but in this case (London) it's exposed so it can't be used by terrorists?
Their (mostly) open-mouth visage makes it appear as if there was some heavy-breathing exertion taking place.

Posted by: DirtCrashr [TypeKey Profile Page] at July 22, 2005 06:15 PM

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