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November 10, 2008

The beclowning of John Miller

A little inside baseball from the freedom of speech trenches (mixing metaphors furiously here). John Miller, writer/consultant/definition-challenged and (inevitably) a professor of journalism at Ryerson University, has a go at Ezra Levant not only for Ezra's version of the Joseph Howe debate but for refusing to post Miller's version at Ezra's blog (the full story at Steynian, Issue 281... scroll down a bit).

“I’ve spent the last week having my heart ripped out by Canada ’s right-wing blogosphere ... "I posted to (Ezra's) blogsite, correcting what he had told the crowd at the Halifax panel as he wielded his laptop at me like a weapon. So far he’s refused to put it up. So much for this so-called champion of the unfettered right to freedom of speech.”

Sound familiar? I am going to say this slowly and in words even a five year old journalism professor can follow: Your freedom of speech does not include the right to force Ezra Levant to publish your words. Your freedom of speech means you can publish your words at your own expense at your own "blogsite".*

Where they will go unread. Which is the point. People like this want to appropriate the audience of better writers (and better men) because the mindspace for their mewling drivel is already dominated by the leftstream media and a little de facto internet hijacking - complete with self-linking at Steynian, Issue 278 - is the only advertising they can afford. Miller's complaint reminds me of your garden variety comment troll with the exception that 99% of those have the common sense to hide their names.

I am also reminded of the Muslim law students who argued - on the taxpayer's dime - that their freedom of speech included the freedom to hijack Maclean's cover page and use it as a flying bomb aimed at our most ancient freedom in the name of the very freedom they sought to destroy. Any guesses which side Miller took on that "human right"? Honestly, I do not know (largely because I do not care enough to check). But let's face facts, I am pretty sure I do.

* Whatever the hell a "blogsite" is supposed to be, I assume he means "blog", a contraction of web log. Blogsite, my ass. And this guy is paid for his expert opinion. If he shows up here I will comment ban him on principle.

Update: Deborah Gyapong explains to the journalism prof how to use a search engine. Google it! Again, don't care enough to check, but I am betting this guy has tenure.

Posted by Ghost of a flea at November 10, 2008 05:51 AM