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November 03, 2008
There are no grassroots revolutions
KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov claims there was a process of demoralization and destabilization of US society through the use of the "active measures" by Soviet intelligence.
I am not certain which is more disconcerting: The idea that what he says may be true or the cynicism it takes to imagine all those grassroots revolutionaries did not aspire to something better no matter what the KGB may have intended. There are revolutions of the heart the secret police could never apprehend.
Posted by Ghost of a flea at November 3, 2008 05:44 AM
Well, I back up my blog daily, but I'm paranoid like that.
Hmmm. Just holding my breath on this election stuff. Let me know when it's over!
Posted by: agent bedhead at November 3, 2008 07:57 PM