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May 23, 2008
Abusive and insulting
The Crown Prosecution Service has ruled a teenager's use of the word "cult" was not "abusive or insulting" when applied to the church of Scientology and no further action will be taken against him (hat tip to Agent Bedhead). The next step is to pursue charges of some kind against the police officer thought police who accused him of inciting religious hatred and thereby abused and insulted his right to freedom of expression, common sense and over a thousand years of common law.
A CPS spokesman said: "In consultation with the City of London police, we were asked whether the sign, which read 'Scientology is not a religion it is a dangerous cult', was abusive or insulting. "Our advice is that it is not abusive or insulting and there is no offensiveness, as opposed to criticism, neither in the idea expressed nor in the mode of expression. No action will be taken against the individual."
The teenager's mother said the decision was "a victory for free speech".
Yes, and for the blindingly obvious. Which these days is just about too much to ask.
But wait, there is more... read the rest of the Guardian piece.
The City of London chief superintendent, Kevin Hurley, praised Scientology for "raising the spiritual wealth of society" during the opening of its headquarters in 2006.
Last year, a video praising Scientology emerged featuring Ken Stewart, another of the City of London's chief superintendents, although he is not a member of the group.
Criminal charges. Now.
Posted by Ghost of a flea at May 23, 2008 07:37 AM