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April 07, 2004
Shotgun wedding
It could be that libertarians and social conservatives will not be able to make a home together in the new Conservative Party of Canada. A spat over at The Shotgun between people "dissenting" from the "homosexual agenda" and those of us who are not obsessed with other people's sex lives is not promising. I quote Stephen Harper after the recent dismissal of an MP expressing creepy, bigoted sentiments: these are "unacceptable" and "do not reflect party policy in any way, shape or form."
We will see if he means it. And despite the incompetence, cynicism and cheap nationalism of the current federal government it will be five more years of Liberal rule in this country if Mr. Harper cannot prove he is serious.
And then... Canada's best political blogger comments.
Posted by Ghost of a flea at April 7, 2004 11:30 AM
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? C-250 + Shotgun = BOOM from Le blog de Polyscopique
It looks like civil war broke out at the Shotgun on the topic of Bill C-250 which seeks to criminalize "hate propaganda" against homosexuals. This skirmish began when it was claimed that this proposed bill was anti-Christian and suggested that... [Read More]
Tracked on April 7, 2004 09:56 PM
? C-250 + Shotgun = BOOM from Le blog de Polyscopique
It looks like civil war broke out at the Shotgun on the topic of Bill C-250 which seeks to criminalize "hate propaganda" against homosexuals. This skirmish began when it was claimed that this proposed bill was anti-Christian and suggested that... [Read More]
Tracked on April 8, 2004 12:23 PM
I have never understood the association between libertarians and neo-cons as the social control / economic freedom agenda of the latter is merely the reverse of the social freedom / economic control. It is a very sad reflection on our governance and public debate that the moment when the Liberals should be in shreads is little more than a pause before another annointment due largely to the neo-cons need to place their small minority view on the table as a player. There is no way Canada will support the agenda of the former Reformists and any New Tory campaign based on placing a thin coating on it will be exposed. Openly give it up and there is a chance of interesting the centre. Otherwise, enjoy success in Alberta. Whoop-tee-doo!!!
Posted by: Alan at April 7, 2004 12:31 PM
And I think the split will widen should the Conservatives take power for a few years. Look at the mess the Republicans have made in the states. The Libertarians down there are absolutely furious with them.
As far as the economic side of the ledger goes, I've yet to be convinced that a Conservative government is going to mind its business any better than the Liberals can.
I'll vote against the Liberals, but not necessarily for the Conservatives....
Posted by: Jay at April 7, 2004 04:27 PM